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Would you like to make a positive impact on the world?

This year it takes place from December 23rd to December 29th, 2024

Join the Movement in 2024!

“WordPress Gives A Hand” is a charity movement started by Visual Composer, friends, and other WordPress members who donate a portion of revenue to chosen charitable projects or organizations. 

Choose the project or organization that is closest to your heart and donate a percentage of profits during Christmas time (December 23rd to December 29th, 2024). Every penny counts, let’s make this world better together!

Why participate?

By creating publicity across the media about our #WPGivesAHand event, we will not only increase traffic but also support those in need.

This can become an epic charity WordPress-wide movement - let’s make this happen together!

The Timeline of "WP Gives A Hand"

Apply to join the movement

Join the WordPress movement and make this world a better place! It all starts with filling in the form

Join our Slack community

WP Gives A Hand is all about bringing people together to work as one team, so the next step is to join our Slack community where everyone can share their activities, ask questions and inspire others

Spread the word about #wpgivesahand

Write a blog post, share your involvement on social media and let the world know about what we're doing. Together we will reach a bigger audience and as a result, will make a bigger impact

Get displayed on wpgivesahand.com

All companies involved are proudly displayed on the main page of wpgivesahand.com together with the charity they will be donating to

Donate to a charity of your choosing

The final and most fulfilling step is giving back! Make a donation to a charity that's close to your heart. Let's make a difference together!

About "WordPress Gives A Hand"

All you may want to know about the "WordPress Gives a Hand" Christmas charity movement.

What is the #WPGivesAHand charity campaign?

It is a charity movement that brings together WordPress members to do good for others. For many, Christmas is one of the most anticipated times of hope, so by donating a fraction of what we received, we show that WordPress is for everyone.

How to join the movement?

You can apply for the movement by filling out this form. Share it with your friends and partners across WordPress, so they also join. Use the #wpgivesahand hashtag when talking about how much giving back means.

What is the purpose of the campaign?

We believe this initiative will raise awareness across the global WordPress community of the SOS calls by those who need help. With the purpose of getting on board with other WordPress businesses, we aim to popularize charity, increase donations, and be more.

Are there any guidelines for what charity organization to choose?

The choice is yours! You can support the organization closest to your heart (or even several). They can be children, animals, nature funds - any organization that your donation will help.

When does the time #wpgivesahand event take place?

The charity campaign will occur during the last full week of the Christmas season, which is from December 23rd to December 29th, 2024.

What is required from those who want to join?

Willingness to participate and donate a part of the profit to a selected charity. In addition, the initiative includes various activities such as writing an article, social media announcements, and other activities that will promote this movement.

Note: You will have access to information with everyone involved in the movement so that we can support each other.

Got any questions? Contact us

Reach us on Twitter - @wpgivesahand

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@wpgivesahand - Join the movement
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